About The Team

A great company has a great team behind

The engine that runs Boost is the great people behind it. We take pride collectively to be a group of highly motivated and dedicated learners who have amassed deep expertise in our respective domains.

Clients Served Worldwide
Projects Completed
Marketing Funnels Built
Spent on ads for our clients since 2020
Our Mission

Creating unquestionable value for our clients

We exclusively work with clients on engagements where we feel that we can add enormous and unquestionable value.

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Our Values

The core values behind
our work

These are the principles that drive our everyday work and guide our ethics and decision making.

Excellence in execution

We work hard and try our best to bring excellence in our execution with a strong focus on best practices and going the extra mile to make sure that our work is really though out through and would lead to the best results.


We take on shared accountability with our clients to deliver the results promised. We measure the hard KPIs like leads, sales and orders and this is how we measure our success collectively as a team.


We understand that digital is always changing and last years campaigns and tactics will not work this year. So we are always working on understanding the changes and shifts in consumer behaviour, channels and content and accordingly designing new pathways for success.


We take pride in our commitment to our clients needs and being responsive to their requests in a timely manner providing a high performance collaborative environment for our engagements.

Our Team

Meet Your Growth Team

Sherif Makhlouf

Founder & Managing Partner

Muhammad Eltiti

Partner & Director of Performance

Mahinour Sabra

Digital Strategy Lead

Mahmoud Ezzat

Performance Marketing Manager
Boost In The Press

We are often quoted in the press for our insights

Here are some examples of our press mentions

توقعات بزيادة  50% في التسوق الإلكتروني العام المقبل بعد كورونا

توقع مخلوف، تضاعف مستخدمي الشراء من خلال الاونلاين لدي المصريين خلال العام المقبل بسبب عدة عوامل على رأسها سهولة التجربة ونجاحها لدي العديد من المصريين، بالإضافة إلى التخوف من التعرض للعدوي

Recommendations for successful data-driven transformation

"Sherif Makhlouf, CEO at Boost, provided his recommendations for organisations looking to become more data-driven and how to make sure their data projects are successful."

8 steps for compliance with Egypt’s new data protection law

"Sherif Makhlouf said that the law provides a grace period of one full year for organisations to address and comply with its requirements."

Need help with a project?

we are a friendly bunch and we are also looking for an excuse to talk about the digital world.

Get in touch today!

Ready to talk? Fill the contact us form and would be happy to discuss your business needs, No commitment or pressure. Just coffee or a zoom call.

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